
. { according to my iphone }

Here's a few snapshots that give a little look into my life lately (via my iPhone). 

I'm starting to realize that I'm forever doomed as a blogger. I always get great ideas for a post when I'm completely unable to write my thoughts down.
when I'm driving home from work
- when I'm under a desk desperately trying to find a spot to plug in a lamp
- when I'm reading a Supreme Court ruling on Fourth Amendment rights for homework
- when I'm standing on my head trying to get water out of my broken washing machine
- when I'm laying on a giant trampoline with my two best childhood friends (I will post 
   about this soon!)

Basically what I'm trying to say is this: if you read my blog, you fall into these categories:
- Family ... immediate or extended. You are already OK with my unreliability and insanity.
- Friends ... genuinely interested or just plain 'ol nosy. I love you both.
- Random People w/ Similar Insane Traits ... Cool beans - rock on.

PS. I do not own any of the animals in these pictures. 
The turkeys are at the Heinrichs' ... I am praying that I'll get to eat one for Thanksgiving dinner. I did already point at a particularly chubby little stinker and name him "Thanksgiving Dinner." I'm holding out that he remembers his name and that he will be a McGowan-Bell feast. 
The adorable Boxer is named Baxter, and he's also a member of the Heinrich family. I want to steal him and keep him forever. How could you not with that precious face?
The cat is my neighbors'. He only hangs out with me when I'm drinking wine and reading Vogue on the front porch. I'd like to think we chill because he likes the good company, but I'm suspicious that he's really in it for the vino. 

Maybe I'll pre-post for tomorrow, maybe I won't. In the meantime? Happy Tuesday!

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